15 Ways to Recover From Unseen, Trust-Destroying Leadership Pitfalls
Trust is the bedrock of effective leadership, but it is often fragile and can be unwittingly compromised by a leader’s actions. From inconsistent communication to a lack of empathy, various behaviors that leaders exhibit can sow seeds of doubt and disillusionment among their teams.
Acknowledging these blind spots is an essential first step toward repairing the trust that has been eroded. Below, our Founder Kathy Shanley joins 14 Forbes Coaches Council expert panel members to explore different ways leaders may inadvertently lose their team members’ trust, as well as actionable strategies for rebuilding and reinforcing trust with their teams.
“3. Give Your Team Members Autonomy: One way leaders lose the trust of their teams is by exerting power and not giving their team members the autonomy they need to perform their roles. To rebuild that trust, focus on care and instilling a “we’re all in this together” culture. How? The book Bad Bosses Ruin Lives by Debra Corey and Ken Corey suggests you begin by listening, being empathetic and showing your team that you believe in their value and that they’ll do the right thing. ”