16 Trends Set To Disrupt Workplaces In 2025 (And How To Prepare)
Thriving in business requires more than just keeping up with the competition—it means anticipating the trends shaping tomorrow’s workplace. As 2025 approaches, leaders face new opportunities and challenges in areas such as technology, sustainability and workforce dynamics. Getting ready for shifts in the work environment starts with understanding what’s coming and how it might impact an organization’s business strategy and growth.
Below, our Founder Kathy Shanley joins 15 Forbes Coaches Council members to discuss some of the most impactful workplace trends they see on the horizon and actionable advice to prepare for them. The insights they share here can help leaders make informed decisions about how to leverage emerging trends to best position their businesses for success in the year ahead.
6. Low Employee Engagement
Businesses are facing a “Great Detachment,” marked by employees’ low engagement and morale. To restore attachment, start with the underlying issues you’re seeing and rebuild your culture into one that makes your team want to stay. Connect your mission and values to your team’s work. Encourage two-way conversations and make professional development a priority at all levels of the company. - Kathleen Shanley, Statice