13 Less Considered Areas Of Growth Coaching Clients Can Achieve
Many people may be surprised by the substantial personal and professional growth they can achieve by partnering with a professional coach. Through the tailored guidance and support a coaching engagement provides, individuals often discover strengths and capabilities that lead to breakthroughs in their careers and personal lives.
Even clients who have clear goals in mind when they begin working with a coach can find themselves growing in unanticipated areas. Here, our Founder Kathy Shanley joined members of Forbes Coaches Council to explore less considered areas of growth that the structured approach of coaching can unlock to help clients surpass their own expectations and reach new levels of success and fulfillment.
“Recognizing How Strengths Can Also Get In The Way—
Too often, we focus on our strengths as our superpowers and overlook the ways those same skills get in our way. As coaches, we increase self-awareness around situations in which we may need to dial back our strengths. For example, I am strong at basing my decisions on facts, not stories or biases. This gets in my way when I rely only on what I can prove and overlook the value of emotional gut checks.”