15 Effective And Affordable Retreat Ideas For Remote Companies
Leaders of fully remote companies face a major challenge: building a cohesive team and vibrant culture from afar. While organizing a team-building event such as a company retreat can significantly boost morale and engagement, the nature of a remote business means leaders must contend with different (and sometimes significant) logistical hurdles to do so.
Here, our Founder Kathy Shanley joins a Forbes Coaches Council expert panel to discuss effective and affordable ideas for remote company retreats to help leaders in this position consider all of their options. Even though a team may not be able to meet face-to-face, its leaders can take steps to create stronger bonds, enhance loyalty to the company and get everyone aligned with a strategic vision.
Host A Virtual Town Hall
One effective and affordable idea remote companies can use to strengthen bonds and get everyone on the same page strategy-wise is a virtual town hall. Start with sharing top priorities (for the next 30 days, for example) and how those priorities impact each team. Use breakout rooms to get buy-in and build alignment through dialogue. Bring the full group back to share what they discussed and learned from each other. — Kathleen Shanley, Statice
Read all 15 tips on Forbes.com!