15 Factors Driving Professional Burnout And How To Address Them
Stress and burnout are common among today’s workforce, as professionals often find themselves facing heavier workloads, shifting or unclear expectations and a lack of support. These workplace issues don’t just impact one’s personal well-being—they can also ripple through teams, affecting morale and overall organizational performance.
Leaders who want to eliminate the sources of burnout must find ways to prioritize employees’ needs and foster a culture that values thoughtful balance. Below, our founder Kathy Shanley joins a Forbes Coaches Council expert panel to share some major factors that negatively impact the employee experience, along with actionable insights and steps business leaders can take to address some of the major causes of burnout and meet these challenges head-on.
Micromanagement Eroding Trust
One factor that causes professionals’ stress and burnout is feeling micromanaged and not trusted to perform their role. They may lose confidence in themselves and the workplace. Companies can rebuild trust by assessing people’s individual strengths and skills. Then, create different agreements around different responsibilities based on the confidence level in each person’s abilities. - Kathleen Shanley, Statice