3 Ways Leaders Can Exit Employees Gracefully When They Resign

I’ve previously written about the four steps employees can take to exit their jobs gracefully, but exiting gracefully isn’t just about the employee who leaves. It’s also about how the organization handles that transition. I recently got a great question: “What about the organization? How can leaders exit employees gracefully when they resign?”

Here are three steps to ensure a smooth process as your employee exits:

1. Normalize career progressions.
Leaving an organization is a normal part of an employee’s career path. Avoid criticizing their decision to leave, shutting them out or belittling their work to others. Negative behavior only lowers team morale and creates discomfort for both the departing team member and the rest of the team.

One client of mine was excited to accept a higher-level position at a new organization. Shortly after resigning, her supervisor—who had consistently praised her performance—began changing approved project plans, uninviting her from meetings and disparaging her new employer. Staff reported being confused about the direction of their work, and others started looking for new positions, expressing concern about the way their colleague’s departure was handled.

A better approach is to celebrate an employee’s decision to exit as part of their career journey. Talk about the skills they learned and the competencies they strengthened while in their position. Share any accomplishments. If they’re staying in the same industry, consider ways to preserve the relationship. Ask how your team might continue working with them in their new position.

Read all 3 ways on Forbes.com!


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