20 Expert Tips For A Smooth Return-To-Office Transition
The transition from a remote or hybrid schedule to full-time office life can be quite an adjustment, whether you’re returning after some time away or stepping into an in-person workplace for the first time. Understanding shared spaces, adapting to new routines and balancing your workload with co-worker interactions all require a shift in one’s mindset.
Making this shift can feel challenging for those who have not been working on-site, but with the right approach, you can do your part to create a work environment that feels both comfortable and collaborative. Below, our Founder Kathy Shanley joins Forbes Coaches Council members to share their best tips for coexisting peacefully and productively in person with work colleagues five days a week.
Clarify Team Expectations
As you transition your team back into the office full-time, one tip is to establish or clarify expectations regarding company norms. Consider discussing start and end times for the workday, guidelines for personal time taken during business hours and the dress code. This can help minimize confusion and misinterpretations of policies, leading to better collaboration and productivity. - Kathleen Shanley, Statice