Executive Presence: What is it?

Executive presence. People say they want it. Employers hire me to help their employees get it. But what is it? Executive presence is the manner in which you show up, carry out your ideas, and inspire and influence others. It can have an enormous impact on your ability to lead others and the business.

I recently asked a client to think of someone who exemplified what executive presence meant to them and to share specifically what that person did and how this person made them feel. My client talked about a high-level executive named Dan:

It was the look of confidence that nothing would phase him. When he talked, he spoke with certainty and confidence, which made people feel that anything you threw his way, he could handle. It was the way he looked at the issue you dropped in his lap. He never said “Oh crap.” Instead, he said “That’s okay” and made me feel like nothing is that bad that can’t be fixed. I’ve seen him in a high executive meeting with all of the big wigs and you never saw him sweat. He kept his cool and never got riled up. Visually, he always seemed like he was in total control. It was this that made me think I would follow him into battle. I knew the buck stopped with him and he would take responsibility for it and not blame it on anyone else. Even in a meeting, if you screwed up, he didn’t tear you down. He had this knack to turn you around to make you want to fix things. And, it did not matter what role you had, he thanked you.

If you were to think of the traits that you need to have executive presence like Dan, what would they be? Here are a few that come to mind:

  • Unconditional Confidence

    (no ego, posture, knowing, openness for opinions, inner wisdom, non-aggressive)

  • Power of Connection
    (communication, curiosity, empathy, being present, bigger picture)

  • Never Let Them See you Sweat

    (level-headed, composure, calm, cool, collected)

  • Charisma

    (magnetism, confidence, warmth, like-ability, make people feel special)

  • Street Creds

    (words & actions, reputation, dependability, follow-through, owning what you don’t know)

  • Clarity

    (10 words or fewer, expectations and consequences, communication, connection to purpose)

  • Keep it Simple
    (concise translating jargon, reading your audience, having knowledge if needed, communication)

  • Body Language

    (posture, paying attention to habits, wearing (or not wearing) your emotions on your sleeve, eye contact)

As you review them, which of these traits or characteristics come easily to you? Which are more difficult? Where are you inconsistent?

If you were to hone in on one, how would your focus on it impact the way you show up with your boss and your team ?

Statice’s clients have reported that coaching with us has helped them develop a plan leading to the C suite, led to the earning of "manager of the year," and leveled up their leadership skills. Tell us where you are right now and develop a plan to get you where you want to be.


The Five Behaviors™️: Healthy Behaviors That Improve Team Accountability


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