Networking: How about we meet for coffee?
How about we meet for coffee? It’s a simple phrase and ask, but why do people resist networking?
These are some of the things my clients say.
I shouldn’t have to.
It doesn’t feel authentic.
I’m using company time for myself.
I just want to do my job.
What does it matter?
What if you thought of networking in a different way? The benefits of networking include building a group of people who can be your support system. It also helps you strengthen your business connections, which benefits both you and your company.
Here are a few other networking benefits:
Safe Space to Brainstorm with Colleagues
An Avenue to Share Ideas
Create a Support System When You're not in the Room
Gain an Outsider’s View of How Others Deal with an Issue
Get Access to Job Opportunities
Makes You Noticeable
Get Career Advice and Support
You Find Inspiration
Develop Long-Lasting Relationships
So, where do you start? Now that we’re having in-person meetings, it’s time to dust off those networking skills. Here are a few networking tips to help you get back in the swing of things:
1️⃣ Participate in social events. Attend a local meet up or an annual meeting.
2️⃣ As you attend an event, go a bit early . . . look around and ask questions to know the person and their role.
3️⃣ Connect on LinkedIn with your those in your field or those attending an event.
4️⃣ Join an association in your field. Volunteer for a committee.
5️⃣ Ask a colleague to lunch or grab coffee.
Whether it is a meeting, a meal, or just grabbing coffee, get yourself out there!