Statice Founder Awarded AUA Presidential Citation
Kathy Shanley Kathy Shanley

Statice Founder Awarded AUA Presidential Citation

On May 1, the American Urological Association (AUA) presented our Founder Kathleen Shanley with a Presidential Citation for her work in advancing AUA’s mission in public policy and advocacy.  Presidential citations are awarded to individuals deemed to have significantly promoted the cause of urology.

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You Can’t be a Good Communicator without Being a Good Thinker
Kathy Shanley Kathy Shanley

You Can’t be a Good Communicator without Being a Good Thinker

A Harris poll of 251 business leaders estimated their teams lose nearly an entire working day—or 7.47 hours per week—due to poor communication each week. Of those leaders, 22% equated that lost time to be valued at $50,000 or higher annually.

The solution? Businesses need to invest in the ways their teams connect because communication impacts how and whether people want to respond, creates an understanding of expectations and priorities and, ultimately, impacts the bottom line.

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We’re in Forbes.
Kathy Shanley Kathy Shanley

We’re in Forbes.

I am excited to share that our Statice Founder is featured in a Forbes article entitled “Faced big challenges in 2022? 15 Ways CEOs Can Rally The Team For The New Year”.

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